Friday 30 August 2013

'How we Make Stuff' wins an award!

'How we Make Stuff' has won the English 4-11 Picture Book award for the non-fiction 7 to 11 category! We were so thrilled to be invited to the rather beautiful (and architecturally impressive) British Academy to receive the award from the English Association.

It was wonderful to get such a nice review of the book:
'A book from the same author / illustrator combination that brought award success and recognition for 'How the World Works', 'How We Make Stuff' has the same appeal, combining engaging presentation with flaps and pulls; it is the sort of book that surprises and has the reader desperate to share some interesting nugget - Guess why we say, 'As mad as a hatter!'.  Thought provokingly written, it transmits powerful messages about the environment without preaching.  One can well imagine a huddle of heads in a book corner, poring over this book, fascinated and transfixed!'

'How we Make Stuff' is currently out of print but it will be back on the shelves at the end of October!